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Quantified Commerce In Depth Look


Quantified Commerce, a company out of New York, is looking to take the business of e-commerce and flip it on its head. They are focusing on blending creatives with data analysis to provide better e-commerce businesses around the world. Founded only in 2014 they are quickly changing the way people see e-commerce and how it can be handled.

What Makes Quantified Commerce Special?

Quantified Commerce is handling e-commerce in brand new ways that set them apart from other businesses in the industry. For many people, the idea of blending creatives with the technical process of data analysis seems like it would work about as well as mixing oil and water, but that is exactly what Quantified Commerce is doing.

Every aspect of Quantified Commerce is extremely data-driven. The use advanced analytics to influence every action they make. Whether it is product creation or marketing they have used analytics as the foundation of their business to drive e-commerce to new heights. It’s that mentality that has helped them expand from their original territory in India and onto Europe, Asia, South America, and North America.

How Quantified Commerce Challenges the Norm

You only have to look as far as their day-to-day operations to see how Quantified Commerce is constantly challenging the norm. They have implemented business strategies that let employees manage themselves such as 4DX and SCRUM.

4DX is otherwise known as Four Disciplines of Execution based on a popular book by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling. Those four disciplines are focus, leverage, engagement, and accountability. While other companies have had trouble implementing 4DX because the amount of change in thought it takes a company to implement, Quantified Commerce has effectively implemented it into every aspect of their business.

4DX is the process of setting WIGs or “Wildly Important Goals,” focusing more energy on “lead measure” or measure that directly achieve the WIGs, keeping everyone engaged with a running scoreboard, and finally holding “WIG meeting” where members of the team keep each other accountable for reaching those goals.

Scrum Quantified Commerce

Scrum Quantified Commerce

SCRUM, on the other hand, is a way of keeping members of a team accountable through daily meetings. These meetings focus on the goals team members have set, the actions they are taking to reach these goals, and the progress they have made since the previous day’s meeting. SCRUM creates engagement and accountability between teammates.

Together these two management styles are a severe deviation from how business is normally done. Instead of focusing on the day-to-day activities Quantified Commerce is getting their employees to focus on the future.

The Best of Both Worlds: Where Data Meets Creativity

The reason these strategies are working so well for Quantified Commerce is because they focus on blending data with creativity. Mixing left and right brain type individuals create a dynamic environment that promotes fresh new ideas with proven success.

This blending of styles allows Quantified Commerce to make sure that the new innovative ideas their employees come up with get to the people that will appreciate them the most. While the old model had creative types come up with something like a piece of marketing and then hope the right people see it, Quantified Commerce’s way of doing things uses data analysis to find the right people first and then have the creatives develop marketing specifically for them.

Stay in the Loop with Quantified Commerce

Quantified Commerce is building online brands in a creative, data-driven way like never before. To keep up with what they are doing as they change the e-commerce atmosphere going forward you can visit their website at https://quantifiedcommerce.com or through social media on Facebook and Twitter.

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