Jacques Poujade Finacial Trends & Real Estate

Home » 2018

by Jacques Poujade Jacques Poujade

Debt Payoffs 2019 Jacques Poujade

This coming new year, I recommend taking steps towards a complete debt payoff. Getting your loans paid will not only lighten your financial burden for the next 12 months, it will also help you start with a clean slate and potentially buy a home. Based on a report by the Federal Reserve, the average household […]

by Jacques Poujade Jacques Poujade

Quantified Commerce In Depth Look

Quantified Commerce, a company out of New York, is looking to take the business of e-commerce and flip it on its head. They are focusing on blending creatives with data analysis to provide better e-commerce businesses around the world. Founded only in 2014 they are quickly changing the way people see e-commerce and how it […]

by Jacques Poujade Jacques Poujade

Well for Water Jacques Poujade

What happens when you need money to fix a problem, only for the problem to be why you can’t get the money? That is exactly the situation one veteran finds himself in. Mike is a Korean and Vietnam Veteran who lives with is wife in Modesto, California. Mike recently applied to refinance his home with […]

by Jacques Poujade Jacques Poujade

Austin TX Hottest Real Estate Markets Jacques Poujade

Many economists believe that the American economy is continually strengthening. Primarily, this is due to the resurgence of fresh job opportunities, higher wages, reduced taxes, and low unemployment rates. These factors should boost homebuyer demand and reinvigorate the housing market in 2019. Millennials are sure to drive the market strongly during the next few years. […]

by Jacques Poujade Jacques Poujade

Tips for First Time Home Buyers Jacques Poujade

LendPlus is an alternative-lending company that aims to provide clients with the funding they need through varied and flexible loan terms, a friendly staff, and a premium on low rates. With myself at the helm and our world-class customer service team, LendPlus has risen to become one of the leading lenders in the industry. Services […]